Chris Collins

Co-Founder and
Managing Director

Christopher W. Collins is a co-founder and Managing Director of First Atlantic LLC, a real estate
investment company located in Boston that focuses on the acquisition, ownership and
development of multifamily housing communities throughout the United States. He has over 40
years of success in building and growing businesses and value propositions in corporate,
entrepreneurial and regulated settings. Chris engaged in an exclusive joint venture and
investment platform with Iron Point Partners, LLC, which is part of the Robert Bass family of
investment funds with over $22 billion in equity capital. He was also the Managing Partner and
key Principal of a national investment firm that controlled more than $8 billion in real estate
assets, which included 2,100 affordable multifamily properties located in 48 states.

Chris is Chair of the Board of Trustees of New England Baptist Hospital. He is also a board
member of Enterprise Community Partners, one of the nation’s largest affordable housing and
community development organizations, and Business Executives for National Security (BENS).
Additionally, he serves as an Advisor for Cambridge Trust Company and Edward Davis, LLC. He is
a past member of the Board of Directors, Corporator or Advisor for The Wonderfund – serving
children in the care of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, The BASE –
National Urban Youth Training Academy, Boston 2024 Partnership, Inc., Boston Private Bank
and Trust Company, The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition, The Institute for Responsible
Housing Preservation, Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, National Multifamily
Housing Council, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Furman University,
Montserrat College of Art, The Governors Academy, Brookwood School, and Belmont Hill